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  • Tree Sponsorship

Tree Sponsorship




Down to Earth Foundation is dedicated to creating natural habitat and shelter at the Eco Park. Increasing biodiversity and corridors for wildlife to move around the park.

In the last 6 years we’ve planted over 4,000 trees. Choosing species which thrive in our soil and are most resilient to the powerful winds which drive the wind turbine on site.

For £15 you can sponsor the planting and ongoing care of a native tree at the Eco Park.

By donating to plant a tree you will receive a personal certificate thanking you or your loved one for your donation and be invited to join in with planting during the Community Tree Planting day.

We plant trees as 2 – 4 year old saplings during the dormant season (Nov – March), which helps give each tree a fighting start. They are planted in groves with tree guards to protect from strong winds and pests. The trees are maintained by the park and Down to Earth volunteers throughout the year. Tree species include Oak, Hazel, Birch, Cherry, Hawthorn, Holly and have all grown well.


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